Managing and organizing volunteers in oil spill response - guidebook from Finland

An oil spill response operation is never a piece of cake, and coastal oil spill response (OSR) can be an especially arduous and long-term operation. Here, volunteers are needed for various tasks. However, OSR work is multifaceted and has to be well-organized and managed in each step. In addition, fluent collaboration with the authorities must be secured by both parties.

This guidebook, written by Tommi Virtanen, Head of Preparedness at the Southwest District of the Finnish Red Cross, includes a description of how to manage a cleanup and recovery operation, the tasks that are assigned to the volunteers, the alerting procedure, and the formation of volunteer units in Finland. The document also presents the role of the key Finnish organizations participating in the activity, and the principles for organizing communications. The document is intended to be a guide for organizations and a description of the operating model for the authorities.

Download the guide Managing and organizing volunteers in oil spill response here. (Finnish version, here)

  • In the webinar Volunteers in oil spill response on 5 May, Mika Vilpo (Head of Preparedness, Finnish Red Cross Turku branch) focuses on the art of managing and organizing volunteers. Read more about the webinar and register here.