POPCORN webinar: Oil spill response in the Arctic and in icy conditions - now with webinar presentations!

Whether you don't know much about oil spill response in the Arctic and in icy conditions (but have a great interest towards Arctic issues and/or environment), or your days are filled with this, you should not miss this webinar!

Shipping is expected to increase in the Arctic seas, as the permanent  and seasonal ice cover decreases and opens up new areas for human activity. But what risks are linked to this, how well are we prepared to deal with oil spills in this fragile environment? In this webinar we will hear expert presentations that highlight the shipping trends, challenges related to successful oil spill response operations, methods and technologies that work also in Arctic conditions and also recommendations how to improve the preparedness. Whether you are just an armchair sailor, concerned environmentalist or expert on this field, do not miss this opportunity to broaden your horizons and skill sets!

The webinar will take place on Thursday, 7th of April at 13.00 EEST in Zoom. Register for the event at https://konsta.utu.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=88&tap=12534 and download the webinar programme here.

UPDATE! The webinar presentations are also available below!

Baltic Sea and Arctic seas – current shipping volumes and future trends – Lauri Ojala, Professor of Logistics, University of Turku

Best technological and operational practices for OSR in Arctic and icy conditions – Jorma Rytkönen, Enrocon Ltd